Why Choose Us

Availability 24/7
We are able to be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year and have the man power to provide day and night labour to suite your projects needs.
Track Record of Client Satisfaction
For over two decades we have grown our reputation and ability to get the job done with our clients and have grown from strength to strength and are privileged and honoured to be a preferred supplier of services to both government and private entities in our industry.
Compliance & Performance
We are committed to performing and delivering our contracts on budget and on time, safely & consistently. Compliance across legislative and regulatory standards is a priority focus in the operation of the company both on and off site to maintain a high level of team and client satisfaction without losing time on site and budget blow outs.
Training & Technology Based Solutions
With a team of fully accredited and highly experienced operators in the field backed up by the latest technology and support in the office, we can offer you real-time solutions both on the ground and in the office. We embrace and encourage the talent and ideas of our team to bring you a more efficient, problem-solving focused solution to your needs.

Get in touch with Pavitt Earthmoving today.